Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, September 12, 2023
Pray Children, Pray for My Beloved Church, Pray for My Beloved and Favorite Sons
Message from Our Lady to Angela in Zaro di Ischia, Italy of August 26, 2023

This evening the Virgin Mary came all dressed in white, even the mantle that enveloped Her was broad and white, and the same mantle also covered Her head. On Her head Mother had a queen's crown, Her hands were clasped in prayer, and in Her hands a long white rosary beads as of light that reached almost down to Her feet. Her feet were barefoot and rested on the world, on the world was the serpent that the Virgin Mary was holding still with Her right foot. Mother was surrounded by many angels, big and small, singing a sweet melody. Then I saw the bell, which the Virgin Mary has shown me before. It was always placed in the same place, where I have always seen it. The bell was ringing festively and the angels kept singing.
Praised be Jesus Christ.
Dear children, thank you for being here on this festive day.
Children, rejoice with Me, pray with Me.
Dear children, walk with Me, be led by Me, be wrapped in My mantle, learn to be as small as children, abandon yourselves in My arms.
My children, please say your yes, a sincere yes, a yes said with the heart and not with the lips.
Beloved children, if I am still here among you and still give you My messages, it is because of God's immense mercy.
My children, look at My eyes, look at My Immaculate Heart, My heart is palpitating with love for each of you.
My children, when you suffer, I suffer with you, when you rejoice I rejoice with you. Every one of your sorrows is also mine. I am your Mother and I am always by your side.
My children, also tonight I ask you to convert. Convert yourselves children and return to God. Pray children, pray for My beloved Church, pray for My beloved and favorite sons. Never leave them alone. My children, they need to be supported with prayer.
Then the Virgin Mary asked me to pray with Her. Finally from the hands of the Virgin came down like a fine powder (a trail like light), like little lights that illuminated the whole forest and some of those present were touched in a special way.
Finally She blessed everyone.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.